Friday, July 15, 2011

The best advice I have gotten in quite a while!!!

The boys fight, argue, and bicker with each other everyday. There is hardly ever a day that goes by that they don't have words with each other and sometimes this leads to physical altercations between them. I have tried many things (punishments) over the years to stop this constant turmoil. Now, I know that this is supposed to be somewhat normal..  it is in their nature to fight...  boys will be boys ... there are lots of little cliche`s to explain it all away.  BUT  ...  It drives the Mom (me) CRAZY!!!!

They spent the night with some of their home schooling friends a few nights ago. Rich and I went to pick them up the next day and we sat down and chatted a while with the parents. We were discussing our kids, and how they argue over the silliest things. She told me what she does to stop the insanity of bickering brothers...  she makes them hug..  until they are friends again. I kinda chuckled a bit at this thought, but who am I to judge. Not to mention,  everything else I have tried hasn't worked...  not long term anyway. They stop for a moment, but always pick it back up within minutes.

I had the opportunity, the very next day (I knew it wouldn't take long), to try out this new little trick. Austin had gotten sunburned while at his friends' house. Andrew called him pink boy and Austin slugged Andrew in the face. I was witness to it all. So, I made them stand in the living room and hug each other for a while. They WERE NOT happy about it, but it was this or a spanking...  so they hugged. It didn't take long for them to start giggling with each other. It is hard to stay mad when you are laughing.  They were angels the rest of the day.

Today they started up again,  just arguing this time though. All I had to say was, "seems like you guys could use a hug today". They stopped arguing immediately and have been getting along since.

Thank You, Tammy for your wonderful words of wisdom and a new way of stopping the insanity in my house. It worked like a charm!  I Love my Friends!!!

1 comment:

  1. Awesome!! I'll be sure to use this technique when they are at my house!
    Love, Mom (Karen)
