I have been told by a few close friends and family members that I should start a blog to enlighten people on what it is like raising my boys. You see, my boys are not what most would call "typical" they are in fact, so far "Out of THAT Box" that most just do not understand. My oldest, Andrew, has Asperger's Autism +. He was diagnosed with this when he was 5 years old. My youngest, Austin, has ADHD +, and he was diagnosed when he was 6. I added the + (plus) sign behind each because, if you have ever really known someone with Autism or ADHD, then you know that these different abilities come along with, sometimes, numerous "other" sub-categories. I describe their conditions as "different abilities" because the other words that are used to describe these conditions are just way too negative for my taste. I have not ever thought of either one of my kids as being "disabled" they are simply differently-abled.
I hope that by writing this blog, it enlightens others that normally wouldn't know anything about these conditions, so that they may understand and hopefully be a bit more accepting of those that view the world in a much different way than is the norm. I also hope that this blog may help someone else that, maybe, is just starting out on this journey with a child and needs to know they are not alone. This is also for those, like myself, who have had a diagnoses for quite sometime.. but maybe needs some fresh ideas of ways to help their child or loved one.
It is important to remember that just because you have met one child with Autism.. you have only met ONE child with Autism. Every one of them has different likes, dislikes, things they are good at and things they struggle with. They all have different sensory issues and a different view of "their world" that they have created for themselves. It is up to us to find a way to join them in "their world" so that we may be able to help them better function in ours.
I have been told by these friends of mine, who are encouraging me to do this, that I should start at the very beginning, so people can get a full understanding of how our journey has unfolded and how we ended up where we are today. I hope each person that reads this takes something positive from it. I don't claim to be an expert on Autism or ADHD.. I am however an expert when it comes to my children and their needs. But even though I know my children well and what their needs are.. I still need help upon occasion. Constructive criticism, encouraging comments and helpful ideas are welcomed... mean, hateful or rude comments ARE NOT and will be deleted! I don't always do things right the first time out, but then none of us do when it comes to our kids. However, I keep trying until I find something that DOES work. I hope you enjoy my blog!
Late to the party as usual, but I still have to say Dani how PROUD I am of you for this. It takes something beyond courage to open yourself up and be vulnerable to the challenges your family has survived and thrived under. So much love for all ya'll. <3
ReplyDeleteThanks, Dallas!